There are few (30.4%) women scientists in Africa,where only 28% are researchers in all fields,and of this only 30% move into science technology ,engineering and mathematics(STEM) related fields.The number of women scientists ,particularly those working in STEM related professions continue to increase.Yet, barriers to academic and career
advancement continue to be a toll order in advancement to leadership
position in STEM .
TranSforming InSTitutions to Advance women leadeRS in Science
Technology Engineering and Mathematics (SISTARS Project.The overall goal of the project is to assess institutional efforts at gender mainstreaming in STEM and propose innovative strategies to promote institutional advancement and protection of women in
leadership positions in academia and industry.
The specific objectives are to:
1. Undertake a landscape analysis of STEM academic institutions and
industry in Kenya and understand how gender equity and
opportunities for women’s leadership have been mainstreamed in
national and institutional policies, plans, and practices;
2. Identify extrinsic and intrinsic factors that influence the
progression of women along occupational pathways and
advancement or exit from selected STEM institutions;
3. Identify successful strategies that advance, protect, and promote
women to leadership positions in STEM institutions;
4. Co-develop and test innovative strategies with selected case study
institutions and trigger organizational change to support, advance and
protect women for leadership positions in STEM careers.
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