Proposed names for Recognition in UoN @50 Celebrations


Proposed names for Recognition in UoN @50 Celebrations

1. Prof. Laurie Adams – He was the first to attain a PhD in surveying from the department in 1970

                       -  Has done internationally recognized work in Close range photogrammetry, specifically bio-stereo metrics

2. Prof. Francis Aduol - Contributed a lot to JAB selection criteria. He was the pioneer VC at the Technical University of Kenya; He was also the first Kenyan Professor of Surveying.

3. Prof Galcano Mulaku – Designed and taught the first GIS Courses at UoN in 1986, and established our GST GIS lab in 2001 following personal engagement with Jack Dangermond, the President of ESRI, which engagement resulted in a donation of 45 licences of ArcGIS. He was also the 2nd Kenyan Professor of Surveying and while Chairman, made the department an academic member of the FIG.

4. Mrs. Tabitha Njoroge – First female graduate of our UoN School of Engineering; subsequently became the first female academic staff in the School of Engineering.

5. Prof. Faith Karanja – First female PhD earner and Associate Professor in the Geospatial field in Kenya. She is currently the Chairperson of the department, the first female to hold the position. She has done pioneering work in the mentorship of women and girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

6. Our graduates who became Directors of Surveys in Kenya – Kombo Mwero (was also) PS in lands, Haggai Nyapola, Joseph Mathenge, Ephantus  Murage, Cesare Mbaria, Alexandriano Njuki. - Department to make a decision. Nyapola has some edge as it is during his tenure that Digital Mapping took root in Survey of Kenya, and he also managed managed to submit Kenya’s contribution to Global Map in a timely manner.

7. Prof. Josphat Mwatela – Pioneer VC of the Technical University of Mombasa; earlier was Deputy Director of AICAD

8. Justin Bwoggi – Ugandan graduate in 1976 – Became Director of Surveys in Uganda

9. Prof. Washington Yotto Ochieng – Head of the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial College, London, where he has done internationally recognized work on navigation systems for the transport industry.

10. Innocencia Owuor – Enhanced the use of geospatial technology in the management of geospatial records at the Kenya Power and Lighting co.

11. Prof. Rauf Rostom. – He was the first African Chairman of GST. Introduced transformative courses in GST, specifically Remote Sensing and Close Range Photogrammetry.

12. Erick Nyadimo - MD of Oakar services, a major regional private sector geospatial player. He has played major roles in key government geospatial related committees e.g. the Committee on digital land transactions.

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