Theme: Learning from each other during the preparation of digital teaching material for blended learning at three universities – Germany, South Africa and Kenya.

‘Cognitive Geomatics – Digital teaching to create awareness of intercultural differences in sense of place using Germany, South Africa and Kenya as case studies’ is part of the BadenWürttemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students – BWS plus, a programme of the BadenWürttemberg Stiftung. The project schedule is from March 2022 to February 2025 with a financial capital of 140,000 €. The Cognitive Geomatics project aims to address questions about the nature of the interplay between the way we think about and perceive physical space (our mental maps) and the use of high-tech methods for measuring, analysing and visualizing our environment (in the virtual world), which can be described as cognitive geomatics. Spatial perception includes our habits of thought and reflections about the relationship between people and the environment, while awareness of space is considered to be a requirement for one’s orientation in action space. This "sense of place", however, differs from one culture to another and is closely linked to locality and authenticity. In teaching and learning, the respective cultural differences are also of interest. The project is being implemented in three phases namely: "Sense of Place – Web Mapping" (HKA); "Sense of Place – Crowd Mapping" (UP) and "Sense of Place –Satellite Image Ground Truthing" (UoN). Ground truthing is a critical process during the remote sensing data handling spectrum whose role is to verify the correctness of features extracted from image data using image interpretation approaches. The project workshop on ‘Sense of Place – Satellite Ground Truthing’, the third workshop within the framework of the Cognitive Geomatics Project, took place on 15th February and 16th February 2023 at the University of Nairobi. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gertrud Schaab from HKA joined the workshop in Nairobi whereas the partners from UP namely Prof Serena Coetzee and Prof Nerhene Davis participated virtually.Find the attached flyer with more information.