The Ministry of Education through the State Department of University Education and Research commissioned the University of Nairobi to conduct a tracer study targeting engineering graduates from both public and private universities in Kenya.

The tracer study focuses on the destination of engineering graduates, with the following goals: (a) to establish the employability of graduates, and (b) to provide feedback to inform the curriculum development and review process. The tracer study is part of the Ministry of Education’s concerted effort to improve the quality and relevance of engineering and applied science training in local universities.

The overall goal is to produce high-quality human resource to work in the productive sectors of the economy in line with Vision 2030 and the “Big Four” agenda. The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Africa Development Bank Group (AfDB) is currently addressing the challenge of a low number of qualified staff in the fields through training of existing staff at masters and doctorate levels to serve the institutions of higher learning and other research institutions. For the training to be relevant to the needs of the labour market, there is a need for feedback from the universities that will inform curriculum development and review process. One way of obtaining feedback on the quality and relevance of training is to conduct a tracer study targeting past graduates of the training and their employers. Feedback from tracer studies would also help in improving on the delivery methods and ensure that graduates attain the skills and competencies required by the employers. The tracer study on destination of engineering graduates from public and private universities in Kenya was contracted by the Ministry of Education, State Department of University Education and Research to the University of Nairobi with financial support from the Africa Development Bank (AfDB). The Ministry of Education through the Commission of University Education expects universities to carry out tracer studies periodically to inform policies regarding programs being offered. This study is expected to provide methodology for such good practice. In this regard, the consultant was asked to advise on database and data collection instruments that would enable universities to annually carryout tracer studies to monitor their graduates’ occupational movements in the labour market.